How Long Does it Take to Replace Countertops?

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How Long Till It's Finished?

Once you decide to replace those old, out of date kitchen countertops, the first question is usually, “how long does it take to replace kitchen countertops?” The old ones get uglier by the

Clock Tower
How Long Till It's Finished?

day while we are awaiting the new ones to be completed and installed. The time it takes to replace kitchen countertops varies for many reasons. No matter which type of countertop material you choose for replacement countertops, there is one key you should keep in mind: Get started as early as possible. If you’re hoping to have the replacement countertops in place for the holidays, relatives coming for a visit or other big event, plan well in advance for best results.

Time to Install Different Types and Materials

Some countertops take more time to make offsite before they are installed. Some countertops take longer to install onsite. How much time to install different types and materials is needed depends on what you choose. Here are some ideas of the time it takes to replace kitchen countertops.

Laminate countertops: These are among the fastest turn-around times for any countertops. This is especially true if you choose “off the rack” countertops from the home improvement store. The fit and finish won’t be as nice as custom laminate countertops, but for time, they are unbeatable. If you choose custom laminate countertops, it will requires a week or two to have countertop contractors come to your home to show you samples and for you to decide which countertop and contractor to go with. Then it will take a few weeks to a few months to get the countertops made. Once they are ready and the work is scheduled, removing the old ones and installing the new countertops requires a few days to perhaps a week, depending on how much counter space you’ve got.

Wood, Stainless Steel, Engineered Stone, and Glass countertops: The time it takes to install these different types of materials as replacement countertops is about the same as for custom laminate countertops. The same process is involved: Having contractors come to your home with samples, choosing the countertop material and pattern you want, waiting for the countertops to be made, removing the old and installing the replacement countertops. From the time you begin to look until the installation of your new countertops is complete, plan at least 4 months. That gives you the time to find what you really want without rushing and will reduce the stress of “cutting it close” if you need the replacement countertops in place by a certain date.

Granite and Marble countertops: The time to install these countertop materials is similar to those mentioned, with one difference. In most cases, you need to go to where the countertops are rather than having the countertop contractor come to you. This is because, in most cases, you will pick out the actual raw slab of material to be used to create your countertops. There is enough variance in tone, texture, and marbling that it is wise to choose exactly what you want. Once done, expect the process to take 1-3 months to complete.

Concrete countertops: These replacement countertops are sometimes made offsite. If that is the case, the process will take as long as with most other materials. If the countertops are going to be formed and poured onsite, expect the installation process at your home to take significantly longer – up to a week, depending on the number and size of the counters.

Tile countertops: Finding a contractor and choosing the tile you want doesn’t have to take long. The time to install tile countertops can be much longer than with other materials. Think of it this way, your replacement countertops are being installed one 4”x4” square at a time, or whatever size tile you choose. Be prepared to be without the use of your countertops for at least a week. The good news is, the overall time from choosing your tile to having your new countertops installed can be much shorter than with other materials.


The time to install for different types of materials varies significantly when replacing countertops. It’s always a good idea to plan ahead so you can take your time to make a decision on replacement countertops you’ll be completely happy with in the years ahead.